Sascha Beisheim

Senior Institutional Business Development Director - DACH
Igneo Infrastructure Partners

Bild Sascha Beisheim von Igneo Infrastructure Partners

Über den Autor

Sascha Beisheim ist Lead Institutional Investors DACH bei First Sentier Investors sowohl für Private als auch Public Market Investments. Igneo Infrastructure Partners ist ein globaler Infrastrukturmanager und das Infrastrukturteam von First Sentier Investors. Mit seinem Hintergrund im institutionellen Vertrieb, Relationship Management und Business Development seit 2009 verfügt er über ein tiefes Verständnis des deutschen DB- und DC-Marktes. Er hat zudem langjährige Erfahrungen in der Implementierung komplexer institutioneller Mandate über Spezialfonds. Er ist Diplomkaufmann in Finanz- und Rechnungswesen mit Abschluss an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt.

Über das Unternehmen

Igneo Infrastructure Partners ist seit 1994 ein aktiver Infrastrukturinvestor und verfolgt konsequent eine Anlagestrategie, die es uns ermöglicht, eng mit unseren Portfoliounternehmen und anderen Stakeholdern zusammenzuarbeiten. Heute arbeiten über 100 Spezialisten für Igneo Infrastructure Partners und verwalten rund 19,2 Mrd. USD für Kunden weltweit. Wir sind ein spezialisierter globaler Infrastrukturmanager, der in qualitativ hochwertige, reife, mittelgroße Infrastrukturunternehmen in den Bereichen erneuerbare Energien, digitale Infrastruktur, Abfallwirtschaft, Wasserversorgung, Transport und Logistik in Europa, GB, Australien, Neuseeland und Nordamerika.

Beiträge des Autors

Akquisition von ENSO

In dieser NEWSFLASH-Folge gibt Ignacio Perez einen Einblick in dieses innovative Unternehmen und seinen Fokus auf die Dekarbonisierung der Wärme- und Stromversorgung auf der iberischen Halbinsel durch elektrische, thermische und Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungs-Biomassekraftwerke.

Acquisition of ENSO

In this NEWSFLASH episode Ignacio Perez provides an insight into this innovative company and its focus on facilitating the decarbonisation of Iberia’s heat and electricity supply utilising electric, thermal and cogeneration biomass plants.

enfinium and the Carbon Capture Question

Simon Montague and Mike Maudsley explore the highly innovative, highly debated and highly complex opportunity for the energy transition that could be made possible using Carbon Capture and Storage technology.

Evos & European Bulk Liquid Storage

Simon Montague and Jan Doude van Troostwijk explore examples of technical applications, automation and cultural change, and the role these together play in driving innovation and creating long-term sustainable value across the business.

Highway junction

Acquisition of Autovia Douro Litoral

In this NEWSFLASH episode Maria Luisa Castro provides an overview of the concession, the factors to consider in acquiring a toll-road and the macro factors impacting the operations of such a concession.

Photovoltaik: Soltage Project at 200 Iron Horse Park

US Election: Potential Regulatory Risks and Opportunities for Energy Infrastructure

The presidential election has repercussions for every sector of the world’s largest economy and could create significant change depending on whether Donald Trump or Kamala Harris are elected to the White House. Potential impact to the energy infrastructure sector has come into focus during the presidential campaign after historic levels of investment under the Biden administration.

Podcast Cover Real Assets

North America – The Outlook for Mid-Market Infrastructure Investments

Recent years have seen an increasing shift to size in North America with bigger funds, bigger investors and bigger transactions. As a result the mid-market for Infrastructure is looking a little unloved. Join Igneo’s co-heads of North America John Ma and Michael Ryder as they discuss this segment of the market and why they believe it offers opportunity for those that can dedicate a focus here in the latest episode of our Keeping it Real Assets podcast.

Podcast Cover Real Assets

The Ownership of Infrastructure and the Risks of Cyber-Security

Owning the very businesses that make the world run smoothly presents many risks that we seek to mitigate on a daily basis. Perhaps the most challenging to track, assess and manage of these risks is cyber-security in an environment where data-ransoming and cyber-attacks are on the rise. In this episode of Keeping it Real Assets listen to Alex Nassuphis, Managing Director at Igneo, discuss some of the risks associated with the operating environment with Kate O’Loghlen, Global Head of Cyber at G3.

Podcast Cover Real Assets

The policy framework and practical challenges in US renewables

The Inflation Reduction Act, permitting delays, uncertain tax credits, a macro-interconnected grid, battery storage, transmission limitations and increased grid load-the big story in the US is the growth of Renewables however what are the practical implications for efficient power distribution? Join the conversation with John DiMarco, Igneo Infrastructure Partners and Greg Whetstone as they work through the good news in US Renewables but also explore the challenges presented by this growth and the aspirations for an integrated US power system.

Podcast Cover Real Assets

The growth of US Data Centres and the implications for power demand

Join Varun Sablok, Director, Igneo North America and Dan Watts, CEO, US Signal as they discuss Igneo’s first North American Infrastructure Technology related investment: US Signal.